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Principles Of Management And Organisational Behaviour (22MBA11) VTU 2022 Scheme Notes

Module - 1

Introduction: Meaning, Objectives, Differences between Administration and Management, Levels of Management, Kinds of Managers, Managerial roles, History of Management, Recent trends in Management.

Module - 2

Planning: Importance, Process, Benefits of Planning, Types of Plans, Planning tools and techniques. Organising: Meaning, Types of Organisation structures, Traditional structures, Directions in organisation structures. Leading: Meaning, Nature, Traits and Behaviour, Contingency approaches to Leadership, Transformational leadership. Controlling: Meaning, Importance, Steps in the control process, Types of Control.

Module - 3

Organisational Behaviour: Introduction, Meaning, History of Organisational Behaviour, Organisational effectiveness, Organisational learning process, Stakeholders, Contemporary challenges for Organisations.

Module - 4

Behavioural Dynamics: MARS Model of individual behaviour and performance, Types of Individual behaviour, Personality in Organisation, Values in the work place, Types of values, Perception, Meaning, Model of Perceptual process. Emotions in work place, Types of emotions, Circumplex Model of Emotion, Attitudes and Behaviour, Work-related stress and its management. Motivation, Meaning, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Four Drive Theory of Motivation.

Module - 5

Teams: Advantages of Teams, Model of Team Effectiveness, Stages of Team Development. Power , Meaning, Sources, and Contingencies of Power, Consequences of Power.

Module - 6

Culture: Meaning, Elements of Organisational Culture, Importance of Organisational Culture. Organisational Change , Meaning, Resistance to change, Approaches to Organisational Culture, Action Research Approach, Appreciative Inquiry Approach, Large Group Intervention Approach, Parallel Learning Structure Approach, and Ethical issues of Organisational Behaviour