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Software engineering

Semester :  III

Course Code : 18CS35

CIE Marks : 40                       SEE Marks : 60




Introduction: Software Crisis, Need for Software Engineering. Professional Software
Development, Software Engineering Ethics. Case Studies.
Software Processes: Models: Waterfall Model (Sec 2.1.1), Incremental Model (Sec 2.1.2)
and Spiral Model (Sec 2.1.3). Process activities.
Requirements Engineering: Requirements Engineering Processes (Chap 4). Requirements
Elicitation and Analysis (Sec 4.5). Functional and non-functional requirements (Sec 4.1). The software Requirements Document (Sec 4.2). Requirements Specification (Sec 4.3).
Requirements validation (Sec 4.6). Requirements Management (Sec 4.7).
RBT: L1, L2, L3


What is Object orientation? What is OO development? OO Themes; Evidence for the usefulness of OO development; OO modelling history. Modelling as Design technique: Modelling; abstraction; The Three models. Introduction, Modelling Concepts and Class Modelling: What is Object orientation? What is OO development? OO Themes; Evidence for the usefulness of OO development; OO modelling history. Modelling as Design technique: Modelling; abstraction; The Three models. Class Modelling: Object and Class Concept; Link and associations concepts; Generalization and Inheritance; A sample class model; Navigation of class models; Textbook 2: Ch 1,2,3. RBT: L1, L2 L3


System Models: Context models (Sec 5.1). Interaction models (Sec 5.2). Structural models (Sec 5.3). Behavioural models (Sec 5.4). Model-driven engineering (Sec 5.5).
Design and Implementation: Introduction to RUP (Sec 2.4), Design Principles (Chap 7). Object-oriented design using the UML (Sec 7.1). Design patterns (Sec 7.2). Implementation issues (Sec 7.3). Open source development (Sec 7.4). RBT: L1, L2, L3


Software Testing: Development testing (Sec 8.1), Test-driven development (Sec 8.2), Release testing (Sec 8.3), User testing (Sec 8.4). Test Automation (Page no 212).
Software Evolution: Evolution processes (Sec 9.1). Program evolution dynamics (Sec 9.2). Software maintenance (Sec 9.3). Legacy system management (Sec 9.4). RBT: L1, L2, L3


Project Planning: Software pricing (Sec 23.1). Plan-driven development (Sec 23.2). Project scheduling (Sec 23.3): Estimation techniques (Sec 23.5). Quality management: Software quality (Sec 24.1). Reviews and inspections (Sec 24.3). Software measurement and metrics (Sec 24.4). Software standards (Sec 24.2) RBT: L1, L2, L3

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