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Basic Signal Processing (21EC33)

Subject code

Module - 1

Vector Spaces: Vector spaces and Null subspaces, Rank and Row reduced form, Independence, Basis and dimension, Dimensions of the four subspaces, Rank-Nullity Theorem, Linear Transformations Orthogonality: Orthogonal Vectors and Subspaces, Projections and Least squares, Orthogonal Bases and Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization procedure (Refer Chapters 2 and 3 of Text 1)

Module - 2

Eigen values and Eigen vectors: Review of Eigen values and Diagonalization of a Matrix, Special Matrices (Positive Definite, Symmetric) and their properties, Singular Value Decomposition. (Refer Chapter 5, Text 1)

Module - 3

Introduction and Classification of signals: Definition of signal and systems with examples, Elementary signals/Functions: Exponential, sinusoidal, step, impulse and ramp functions Basic Operations on signals: Amplitude scaling, addition, multiplication, time scaling, time shift and time reversal. Expression of triangular, rectangular and other waveforms in terms of elementary signals System Classification and properties: Linear-nonlinear, Time variant -invariant, causal-noncausal, static-dynamic, stable-unstable, invertible. (Text 2) [Only for Discrete Signals & Systems]

Module - 4

Time domain representation of LTI System: Impulse response, convolution sum. Computation of convolution sum using graphical method for unit step and unit step, unit step and exponential, exponential and exponential, unit step and rectangular, and rectangular and rectangular. LTI system Properties in terms of impulse response: System interconnection, Memory less, Causal, Stable, Invertible and Deconvolution and step response (Text 2) [Only for Discrete Signals & Systems]


Module - 5

The Z-Transforms: Z transform, properties of the region of convergence, properties of the Z-transform, Inverse Z-transform by partial fraction, Causality and stability, Transform analysis of LTI systems. (Text 2)