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Remote sensing and GIS

Semester :  VI

Course Code : 18CV651

CIE Marks : 40                       SEE Marks : 60





Remote Sensing: Basic concept of Remote sensing, Data and Information, Remote sensing data collection, Remote sensing advantages & Limitations, Remote Sensing process. Electromagnetic Spectrum, Energy interactions with the atmosphere and with earth surface features (soil, water, and vegetation), Resolution, image registration and Image and False-colour composite, elements of visual interpretation techniques. 


Remote Sensing Platforms and Sensors: Indian Satellites and Sensors characteristics, Remote Sensing Platforms, Sensors and Properties of Digital Data, Data Formats: Introduction, platforms-IRS, Landsat, SPOT, Cartosat, Ikonos, Envisat etc. sensors, sensor resolutions (spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal). Basics of digital image processing- introduction to digital data, systematic errors(Scan Skew, Mirror-Scan Velocity, Panoramic Distortion, Platform Velocity, Earth Rotation) and non-systematic [random] errors(Altitude, Attitude), Image enhancements(Gray Level Thresholding, level slicing, contrast stretching), image filtering.


Geographic Information System: Introduction to GIS; components of a GIS; Geographically Referenced Data, Spatial Data- Attribute data-Joining Spatial and attribute data, GIS Operations: Spatial Data Input – Attribute data Management, Geographic coordinate System, Datum; Map Projections: Types of Map Projections, Projected coordinate Systems. UTM Zones.


Data Models: Vector data model: Representation of simple features – Topology and its importance; coverage and its data structure, Shape file; Relational Database, Raster Data Model: Elements of the Raster data model, Types of Raster Data, Raster Data Structure, and Data conversion.


Integrated Applications of Remote sensing and GIS: Applications in land use land cover analysis, change detection, water resources, urban planning, environmental planning, Natural resource management and Traffic management. Location-Based Services And Its Applications.