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Advanced Surveying

Semester :  IV

Course Code : 18CV45

CIE Marks : 40                       SEE Marks : 60

Module 1

Printed Notes

Module 2 


Geodetic Surveying

Module 3

Hand Written Notes

Hand Written Notes
By Prof. Nayana Manohari

Hand Written Notes
(2015 Scheme)

Module 4

Hand Written Notes
By Prof.Nayana Manohari

Hand Written Notes
2018 Scheme

Hand Written Notes

Module 5

Hand Written Notes
2018 Scheme

Hand Written Notes




Theodolite Survey and Instrument Adjustment: Theodolite and types, Fundamental axes and parts of Transit theodolite, uses of theodolite, Temporary adjustments of transit theodolite, measurement of horizontal and vertical angles, step by step procedure for obtaining permanent adjustment of Transit theodolite. Trigonometric Levelling: Trigonometric leveling (heights and distances-single plane and double plane methods).


Tacheometry: Basic principle, types of tacheometry, distance equation for horizontal and inclined line of sight in fixed hair method, problems.
Geodetic Surveying: Principle and Classification of triangulation system, Selection of base line and stations,
Orders of triangulation, Triangulation figures, Reduction to Centre, Selection and marking of stations.


Curve Surveying: Curves – Necessity – Types, Simple curves, Elements , Designation of curves, Setting out simple curves by linear methods (numerical problems on offsets from long chord & chord produced method), Setting out curves by Rankines deflection angle method (Numerical problems). Compound curves, Elements, Design of compound curves, Setting out of compound curves (numerical problems). Reverse curve between two Parallel straights (numerical problems on Equal radius and unequal radius). Transition curves Characteristics, numerical problems on Length of Transition curve, Vertical curves & Types – (theory). 


Aerial Photogrammetry Introduction, Uses, Aerial photographs, Definitions, Scale of vertical and tilted photograph (simple problems), Ground Co-ordinates (simple problems), Relief Displacements (Derivation), Ground control, Procedure of aerial survey, overlaps and mosaics, Stereoscopes, Derivation Parallax.


Modern Surveying Instruments Introduction, Electromagnetic spectrum, Electromagnetic distance measurement, Total station, Lidar scanners for topographical survey. Remote Sensing: Introduction, Principles of energy interaction in atmosphere and earth surface features, Image interpretation techniques, visual interpretation. Digital image processing, Global Positioning system Geographical Information System: Definition of GIS, Key Components of GIS, Functions of GIS, Spatial data, spatial information system Geospatial analysis, Integration of Remote sensing and GIS and Applications in Civil Engineering(transportation, town planning).