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BCA104T – Digital Electronics | BCA – BU

BCA104T : Digital Electronics

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Introduction to network theorems and AC fundamentals: Ohm’s law: Statement, explanation. Kirchhoff’s law: Statement & explanation of KCL and KVL. Mesh/loop analysis (up to 2 loops) and node voltage method, Numerical problems. Delta/star and star/Delta transformation: No derivation for Interco version equations, introduction of network, port of network (one port network, two port network), unilateral network, bilateral network, linear network. Need for application of network theorems. (DC Circuits only). Superposition theorem: statement, (only with TWO voltage sources) steps to apply the theorem explanation by considering a simple resistive network and problems. Thevenin’s theorem: Statement, (Only with ONE voltage source) Steps to apply the theorem, explanation by considering a simple resistive networking and problems. Norton’s theorem: Statement, (Only with ONE voltage source) steps to apply the theorem, explanation by considering a simple resistive network and problems. Maximum power transfer theorem: Statement, explanation of theorem by considering a simple resisting network, expression for maximum power deliver (P L (max) =Vth2/4Rth) (no derivation), graph of Vs Pl, numerical problems and applications. Reciprocity theorem, Statement, explanation using resistive network with dc source and numerical problems. AC Fundamentals: Representation of ac sine wave, instantaneous value, peak value, peak to peak value, average value, r.m.s value cycle, time period, frequency. (No derivations, only mention the expressions) Representation of non sinusoidal waves


Semiconductor Devices: Introduction, atomic structure, energy level, energy band diagram in solids, classification of conductors, insulators and semiconductors. Semiconductor, properties, crystal structure of semiconductor, types – intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor. Intrinsic semiconductor: Crystal structure (Ge& Si), thermal generated charges (electron and holes) carriers the effect temp on their motion. Extrinsic semiconductor: Doping, donor acceptor impurities, c-type, p-type semiconductor, majority and minority carriers, their currents, concept of immobile ions. Semiconductor devices : PN junction diode, formation of pn junction layer, potential barrier, energy level diagram of pn junction, Biasing of pn junction, behaviour of pn junction under forward and reverse biasing, break down in pn junction, avalanche and zener break down. Diode characteristics; V-I characteristic, forward and reverse bias, diode parameters, bulk resistance, knee voltage, static and dynamic resistance, PIV. Application of diode; As a rectifier, as logic gate, as a switch, etc. Rectifier, types, Half wave Full wave. Half wave rectifier: Circuit, working, wave forms and expression for ripple factor and efficiency (no derivation), advantages & disadvantages. Bridge wave rectifier: Circuit, working, wave forms and expressions for ripple factor and efficiently (no derivation), advantages & disadvantages. Logic families: Scale of integration, Digital IC’s, classifications, DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS, Mention of features: speed of operation, power dissipation, propagation delay, fan-in, fan-out.


Number Systems: Introduction to number systems – positional and non-positional, Base /Radix. Decimal number system-Definition, digits, radix/base, Binary number system – Bit Byte, Conversions: Binary to Decimal and Decimal to Binary. Octal number systemConversion from Octal to Decimal to Octal, Octal to Binary and binary to Octal. Hexadecimal number system –Conversion : Decimal to Hex, Hex to decimal, Hex to Binary, Binary to Hex, Octal to Hex, Hex to Octal, Binary, arithmetic –binary addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (only Integer part). 1’s and 2’s compliment: 2’s complement subtraction. Binary code: BCD numbers, 8421 code, 2421 code- examples and applications. Gray code –Conversions-Gray to binary and Binary to Gray, application of gray code (Mention only). Excess-3 code – self complimenting property and applications. Definition and nature of ASCII code. Introduction to error detection and correction code, parity check. Boolean algebra:-Laws and theorems. AND, OR, NOT Laws, Commutative law, associative law, distributive law, Duality theorem. Demorgan’s theorems-Statements, proof using truth tables; Simplification of Boolean expressions using Boolean laws. Definition of product term, sum term, minterm, maxterm, SOP, standard POS and Standard POS. Conversion of Boolean expression to Standard SOP and Standard POS forms. Karnaugh maps-Definition of Karnaugh map, K- map for 2, 3 and 4 variables. Conversion of truth tables into k-map grouping of cells, redundant groups and don’t care conditions Karnaugh map technique to solve 3 variable and 4 variable expressions. Simplification of 3 and 4 variable Boolean expression using K-maps (SOP only)


Logic Gates: AND Gate: Definition, symbol truth table, timing diagram, Pin diagram of IC 7408. OR Gate: Definition, symbol, truth table, timing diagram of IC 7432. NOT Gate: Definition symbol, truth table, timing diagram, Pin diagram of IC 7404. NAND Gate: Definition, symbol, truth table, Pin diagram of IC 7400, NOR Gate: Definition, symbol, truth table, timing diagram, Pin diagram of IC 7402. Exclusive OR Gate: Definition, symbol, truth table, timing diagram. Combinational logic circuits: Definition, applications. Half Adder: Symbol, Logic circuits using XOR and basic gates, Truth table, Full Adder: Symbol, Logic circuits using XOR and basic gates, Truth table, Half Subtractor: Symbol, Logic circuits using XOR and basic gates, Truth table. Full Subtractor: Symbol, Logic circuits using XOR and basic gates, Truth table. Adder – Subtractor; Logic circuit, Pin diagram IC 7483, IC 7486. Parallel Adder: 4 –bit parallel binary adder, BCD adder, IC 7483 NAND –NOR implementation of Adders.


Sequential Circuits: Importance of clock in digital circuit and introduction to flip flop. Flip –flop-difference between latch and flip-flop. Qualitative study of level and edge triggering. RS latch /unlocked, symbol and truth table. RS flip-flop using NAND gate, symbol, truth table and timing diagram. D flip –flop – Symbol, truth table, Realization of JK flip –flop using NAND gates, working, and timing diagram. Race around condition, present and clear inputs, pin diagram of IC 74112. T flip flop-Logic symbol, JK flip flop as a T flip –flop truth table and timing diagram. Master slave flip flop; Logic circuit, truth table and timing diagram, advantage of M/S flip-flop, pin diagram of IC 7473 IC 7476. Registers: Definition, types of registers-Serial in serial out, serial in parallel out, Parallel in serial out, Parallel in parallel our shift register (Block diagram representation for each), truth table, timing diagram and speed comparison.