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Marketing Management (22MBA15) VTU 2022 Scheme Notes

Module - 1

Introduction to Marketing: Importance of marketing, Definitions of market and marketing, Types of Needs, Elements of Marketing Concept, Functions of Marketing, evolution of marketing, Marketing V/s Selling, Customer Value and Satisfaction, 4P’s of Marketing, Marketing Environment, Techniques used in environment analysis, Characteristics (Micro and Macro), Marketing to the 21st century customer.

Module - 2

Analysing Consumer Behaviour: Meaning and Characteristics, Importance of consumer behaviour, Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour, Consumer characteristics influencing buying behaviour personal factors and cultural factors. Consumer Buying Decision Process, Buying Roles, Buying Motives. The black box model of consumer behaviour. Psychological factors consumer.

Module - 3

Product management and Pricing: Importance and primary objective of product management, product levels, product hierarchy, Classification of products, product mix, product mix strategies, Managing Product Life Cycle. New Product Development, packing as a marketing tool, Role of labeling in packing. Concept of Branding, Brand Equity, branding strategies, selecting logo, brand extension- effects. Introducing to pricing, Significance of pricing, factor influencing pricing (Internal factor and External factor), objectives, Pricing Strategies-Value based, Cost based, Market based, Competitor based, Pricing Procedure.

Module - 4

Distribution and Promotion: Roles and purpose of Marketing Channels, Factors Affecting Channel Choice, Channel Design, Channel Management Decision, Channel Conflict, Designing a physical Distribution System. Promotions- Marketing communications- Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)-communication objectives, steps in developing effective communication. Advertising: Advertising Objectives, Advertising Budget, Advertising Copy, AIDA model, Traditional Vs Modern Media- Online and Mobile Advertising, social media for Advertising. Push-pull strategies of promotion.

Module - 5

Market segmentation, Targeting and Brand Positioning: Concept of Market Segmentation, Benefits, Requisites of Effective Segmentation, Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets, Market Segmentation Strategies. Types of Segmentation. Targeting – Bases for identifying target Customer target Marketing strategies, Positioning – Meaning, Tasks involved in Positioning. Monitoring brands performance and positioning. Product Differentiation Strategies.

Module - 6

Emerging Trends in Marketing: Marketing Planning. Concepts of B2B marketing, Service Marketing, Digital and social media Marketing, Green Marketing, Event Marketing, Marketing Audit, Sponsorship, Cause Related Marketing, Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations, Relationship marketing, Marketing Strategies for Leaders, Challengers, Followers and Startups. Social Responsibility of marketing, Neuro Marketing, Sensory Marketing, societal marketing concept, premiumization.