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municipal wastewater engineering

Semester :  V

Course Code : 18CV55

CIE Marks : 40                       SEE Marks : 60

 Module – 1

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 Module – 2

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 Module – 3

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 Module – 4

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 Module – 5

Printed Notes




Introduction: Need for sanitation, methods of sewage disposal, types of sewerage systems, dry weather flow, wet weather flow, factors effecting dry and wet weather flow on the design of sewerage system, estimation of storm water flow, time of concentration flow, numerical.
Sewer appurtenances: Manholes, catch basins, oil and grease traps. P, Q and S traps. Material of sewers, the shape of sewers, laying and testing of sewers, ventilation of sewers basic principles of house drainage. 


Design of sewers: Hydraulic formula to determine velocity and discharge. Self-cleansing and non-scouring velocity. Design of hydraulic elements for circular sewers for full flow and half flow conditions.
Wastewater characteristics: sampling, significance and techniques, physical, chemical and biological characteristics, flow diagram for municipal wastewater Treatment unit operations and process. Estimation of BOD. Reaction kinetics (zero-order, 1st order and 2nd order). 


Treatment of municipal waste water: Screens: types, disposal. Grit chamber, oil and grease removal. primary and secondary settling tanks.
Disposal of effluents: Dilution, self-purification phenomenon, oxygen sag curve, zones of purification, sewage farming, sewage sickness, numerical problems on disposal of effluents. Streeter-Phelps equation. 


Biological Treatment Process: Suspended growth system – conventional activated sludge process and its modifications. Attached growth system – trickling filter, bio-towers and rotating biological contactors. Principle of stabilization ponds, oxidation ditch, Sludge digesters(aerobic and anaerobic), Equalization., thickeners and drying beds. 


Advanced Wastewater Treatment: Need and technologies used. Nitrification and Denitrification Processes, Phosphorous removal. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), Electrocoagulation. Rural sanitation: Low-cost treatment process: Working principle and design of septic tanks for a small communities in rural and urban areas, two-pit latrines, eco-toilet and soak pits.