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Operations Management

Semester : V

Course Code : 18ME56

CIE Marks : 40                       SEE Marks : 60

Full Notes




Introduction, Functions within business organizations, the operation management function, Classification of production systems, Productivity, factors affecting productivity. Decision Making: The decision process, characteristics of operations decisions, use of models, decision making environments, graphical linear programming, analysis and trade-offs


Forecasting: Steps in forecasting process, approaches to forecasting, forecasts based on judgment and opinion, analysis of time series data, accuracy and control of forecasts, choosing a forecasting technique, elements of a good forecast.


Capacity & Location Planning: Importance of capacity decisions, defining and measuring capacity, determinants of effective capacity, determining capacity requirement, developing capacity alternatives, evaluating alternatives, Need for location decisions, nature of locations decisions, general procedure for making locations decisions, evaluating locations decisions, facilities layout – need for layout decisions, types of processing


Aggregate Planning & Master Scheduling: Aggregate planning – Nature and scope of aggregate planning, strategies of aggregate planning, techniques for aggregate planning – graphical and charting techniques, mathematical techniques. The master production schedule, Master scheduling process, Master scheduling methods.


Material Requirement Planning (MRP): Dependent versus independent demand, an overview of MRP – MRP inputs and outputs, MRP processing, ERP capacity requirement planning, benefits and limitations of MRP. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (SCM): Introduction, Importance of purchasing and SCM, the procurement process, Concept of tenders, Approaches to SCM, Vendor development.