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engineering chemistry

Semester :  I/II

Course Code : 18CHE12/22

CIE Marks : 40                       SEE Marks : 60

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engineering chemistry



Electrochemistry and Energy storage systems Use of free energy in chemical equilibria:
Thermodynamic functions: Definitions of free energy and entropy. Cell potential, derivation of Nernst equation for single electrode potential, numerical problems on E, EO, and Ecell
Electrochemical energy systems: Reference electrodes: Introduction, construction, working and applications of Calomel electrode. Ion-selective electrode — Definition, construction and principle of Glass electrode and determination of pH using a glass electrode. Electrolyte concentration cells, numerical problems Energy storage systems: Introduction, classification – primary, secondary and reserve batteries. Construction, working and applications of Ni-MH and Li-ion batteries


Corrosion and Metal finishing
Corrosion: Introduction, Electrochemical theory of corrosion, Factors affecting the rate of corrosion: ratio of anodic to cathodic areas, nature of corrosion product, nature of the medium — pH, conductivity and temperature.
Types of corrosion – Differential metal and differential aeration – pitting and waterline). Corrosion control: Anodizing — Anodizing of aluminium, Cathodic protection – a sacrificial anode and impressed current methods, Metal coatings — Galvanization Metal finishing: Introduction, Technological importance.
Electroplating: Introduction, principles governing electroplating-Polarization, decomposition potential and overvoltage. Electroplating of chromium (hard and decorative).
Electroless plating: Introduction, electroless plating of nickel & copper, the distinction between electroplating and electroless plating processes


Energy Systems
Chemical Fuels: Introduction, classification, definitions of CV, LCV, and HCV, determination of the calorific value of solid/liquid fuel using bomb calorimeter, numerical problems. Knocking of the petrol engine — Definition, mechanism, ill effects and prevention. Power alcohol, unleaded petrol and biodiesel
Fuel Cells: Introduction, differences between conventional cell and fuel cell, limitations & advantages. Construction, working & applications of methanol- oxygen fuel cell with H, SO, electrolyte, and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFCs)
Solar Energy: Photovoltaic cells- introduction, construction and working of a typical PV cell, Preparation of solar grade silicon by Union Carbide Process/Method. Advantages & disadvantages of PV cells


Environmental Pollution and Water Chemistry
Environmental Pollution: Air pollutants: Sources, effects and control of primary air pollutants: Carbon monoxide, Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, hydrocarbons, Particulate matter, Carbon monoxide, Mercury and Lead. Secondary air pollutant: Ozone, Ozone depletion
Waste Management: Solid waste, e-waste & biomedical waste: Sources, characteristics & disposal methods (Scientific landfilling, composting, recycling and reuse)
Water Chemistry: Introduction, sources and impurities of water; boiler feed water, boiler troubles with disadvantages -scale and sludge formation, boiler corrosion (due to dissolved O, CO, and MgC,,). Sources of water pollution, Sewage, Definitions of Biological oxygen demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), determination of COD, numerical problems on COD.
Chemical analysis of water: Sulphates (gravimetry) and Fluorides (colourimetry). Sewage treatment: Primary, secondary (activated sludge) and tertiary methods. Softening of water by the ion exchange process. Desalination of seawater by reverse osmosis


Instrumental methods of analysis and Nanomaterials
Instrumental methods of analysis: Theory, Instrumentation and applications of Colorimetry, Flame Photometry, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Potentiometry, Conductometry (Strong acid with a strong base, a weak acid with a strong base, a mixture of strong acid and a weak acid with a strong base)
Nanomaterials: Introduction, size-dependent properties (Surface area, Electrical, Optical, Catalytic and Thermal properties).
Synthesis of nanomaterials: Top-down and bottom-up approaches, Synthesis by Sol-gel, precipitation and chemical vapour deposition, Nanoscale materials: Fullerenes, Carbon nanotubes and graphenes — properties and applications